Bot variables offer a flexible way to configure advanced bot automations for individual bots or for bots that need to communicate to each other. If you have a need for conditional Entry, Exit, or Adjustments based on the current bot's state or another bot's state, you might be able to accomplish that via bot variables. These are considered advanced configuration and should only be used by experienced bot users. Please reach out to support if you need any help or clarification with variables.
A bot variable consists of a name and a value.
The name is some meaningful text that you provide that describes the variable, and the value is either additional text that you provide, or it is the current state of your bot such as # of Open Positions, Current Profit, Current Delta, or Current Days to Expiration.
Each variable that you configure is available to all of your bots to use to help control entries, exits, or adjustments.
This provides the ability for one bot to have rules that are based on what another bot is doing. Bot variables can also be read by the bot that controls it as well, allowing for more complex automations inside of a single bot.
Bot Variable Ideas
Here is a list of automations that you can perform via bot variables. This is not an exhaustive list, but just a list to give you some ideas about what is possible with variables.
Variable ideas for entries
- Only open a new position for Bot B if Bot A has no open positions
- Only open a new position for Bot B if Bot A’s position is under 10 delta
- Only open a new position if the last position closed at a profit
- Only open a new position if a bot has lost less than $500 for the day
- Disable all new entries for the remainder of the day but don’t disable bots or close existing positions
- Enter a second position for your bot only if current profit is greater than 90%
Variable ideas for exits
- Don’t trigger your bot’s 200% stop loss if the position’s delta is less than 50
- Disable all new exits for the remainder of the day but don’t disable bots or close existing positions
- Execute monitored stops at 1 DTE but not 0 DTE, or vice-versa
- Only execute monitored stops on Friday after 3:30pm
- Close Bot A’s position when Bot B enters a new position
You can create a new bot variable either from a single bot's "Variables" menu or from your Variables list.
Bot Variable Fields
Bot (Optional): If the variable is tied to a bot, then the value can be one of the bot properties (Current Profit, Current DTE, Current Delta, etc.). If the variable is not tied to a bot, then you can simply enter your own value for the variable for others to use. This offers an easy way for you to have quick toggles or settings for multiple bots.
Variable Name (Required): Some text that describes the purpose or intent of the variable.
Conditions (Optional): If you wish for your variable to only have a value under certain conditions for the current bot, you can include those here. The following conditions are available:
Condition | Description |
Day of Week | |
Earliest/Latest Time of Day | |
Earliest/Latest Time of Day for Last Closed Position Today Exited At | Earliest/latest time filters that will look at the time of day that the bot's last position closed for the current day. If there are no closed positions for the current day, this condition will be met. |
Min/Max Open Position Count | Number of OPEN positions the bot currently holds |
Min/Max Positions Entered Today Count | Number of new positions entered today by this bot |
Min/Max Positions Exited Today Count | Number of new positions exited today by this bot |
Min/Max Current Position Delta* | Current delta (x100 absolute value) for the bot's open position |
Min/Max Current Position Minutes in Trade* | Minutes since entering the bot's current position |
Min/Max Current Position Days in Trade* | Days since entering the bot's current position |
Min/Max Current Position Minutes to Expiration* | Current minutes to expiration for the bot's open position |
Min/Max Current Position DTE* | Current days to expiration for the bot's open position |
Min/Max Current Position ITM %* | % in-the-money for the current open position. This will be "0" if the position is not in-the-money |
Min/Max Current Position MID Price* | Mid/market price of the current open position |
Min/Max Current Position Profit $* | Current profit in dollars for the bot's open position |
Min/Max Current Position Profit %* | Current profit in percent for the bot's open position |
Min/Max Bot Last Closed Position Today Profit $* | Profit (in dollars) of the last position closed today by the bot. This will be $0 if no positions closed today. |
Min/Max Bot Profit Realized Today $* | Total profit (in dollars) for all positions closed by a bot today. This will be $0 if no positions closed today. |
* If you use one of the bot position values above, and your bot currently has more than one position open, then the variable will utilize the value from the position that was entered first.
If you include conditions, the variable will only have a value if all conditions are met. If a variable has no conditions, then it will always have a value.
Value to Set (Required): This is the actual value for the variable. It can either be free text (defined by you), or it can be one of the following values from the bot:
Value | Description |
Bot Current Position Open Count | Number of OPEN positions the bot currently holds |
Bot Positions Entered Today Count | Number of new positions entered today by this bot |
Bot Positions Exited Today Count | Number of new positions exited today by this bot |
Bot Current Position Delta* | Current delta (x100 absolute value) for the bot's open position |
Bot Current Position Minutes in Trade* | Minutes since entering the bot's current position |
Bot Current Position Days in Trade* | Days since entering the bot's current position |
Bot Current Position Minutes to Expiration* | Current minutes to expiration for the bot's open position |
Bot Current Position DTE* | Current days to expiration for the bot's open position |
Bot Current Position ITM %* | % in-the-money for the current open position. This will be "0" if the position is not in-the-money |
Bot Current Position MID Price* | Mid/market price of the current open position |
Bot Current Position Profit $* | Current profit in dollars for the bot's open position |
Bot Current Position Profit %* | Current profit in percent for the bot's open position |
Last Closed Position Today Profit $* | Profit (in dollars) of the last position closed today by the bot. This will be $0 if no positions closed today. |
Bot Profit Realized Today $* | Total profit (in dollars) for all positions closed by a bot today. This will be $0 if no positions closed today. |
* If you use one of the bot position values above, and your bot currently has more than one position open, then the variable will utilize the value from the position that was entered first.
This is the value that will be available for other bots to use for the Entry, Exit, and Adjustments.
If you would like to restrict new position entries based on bot variables, you can do that by editing the bot's Entry Condition and then adding the variable(s) to the "Variables (Advanced)" section.
A bot's entry condition can accept any number of variables. Variables that are configured for bot entry must all be true in order for bot entry to be valid. When your bot is ready for a new position, it will evaluate all entry conditions, including all variables, and only open a new position if everything passes.
If you would like to restrict monitored stops based on bot variables, you may do so by editing the bot's exit condition and adding the variables inside of the Variables (Advanced) section under monitored stops.
Monitored stops are exits such as Stop Loss %, Delta Stop, and ITM % (not profit targets!).
A bot's exit condition can accept any number of variables. Variables that are configured for bot exit must all be true in order for the monitored stop to be valid. When your bot's monitored stop level is met (stop loss, delta, ITM %), the bot will also evaluate all variables configured for the exit condition, and the bot will only stop out if all variables (if any) are true.
Bot variables on exit conditions only apply to monitored stops. If you would like to apply variables to profit targets (standing orders), you need to add those variables to the appropriate Bot Adjustments (next section).
If you wish to restrict bot adjustments based on variables, you can do that by editing the adjustment itself and adding your variables to the adjustment.
If an adjustment has any variables tied to it, that adjustment will only execute of all variable conditions are met.
This is useful for conditionally removing or adding profit targets or closing a position early based on the condition of the current bot or another bot.
Bot variables update throughout the trading session, but they are not real-time (with one exception*).
There can be a 30-60 second delay between when the bot's condition (ie: Profit $, Delta Value) changes and when the variable records that current value.
So if your bot opens a position or profit goes to 100%, the variable will not reflect that change immediately. The variable might not reflect it until 60 seconds later. Please plan accordingly when establishing your Entry, Exit, and Adjustments that are based on variables.
*There is an exception to delayed variable updates throughout the day, and that is when a bot position opens or closes. When a bot position opens or closes, any variables that pull values from that bot will update immediately.
Bot variables update throughout the day for any bot that is enabled. If a bot is disabled, any variables based on that bot's state will clear out to no value (ie: Open Position Count, Last Realized Profit, Total Realized Profit, Positions Entered/Exited Today).
Variables will also clear their value after market close every day.
Variables that are not tied to a bot's state (variables where you specify free text values) will hold their value until you change it.
Bot variables can be confusing! Before you start to incorporate a new variable into your bot's Entry, Exit, or Adjustment, check the variable value itself and ensure that it is updating as you would expect it to. You can view all of your variables and their current values on your Variables list.
If you need any help with variables, don't hesitate to reach out for support!